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Our client promise

We believe that teamwork produces the best results. So, we work hard to form strong and lasting partnerships with our clients. Here are the principles that guide our approach, and what we ask in return. We promise to:

We will ask questions to understand your priorities and pressure points, and listen carefully to the answers. You can help us by always being open and candid.

We will be careful to avoid jumping to conclusions. Please help us by sharing intelligence, data and access to experts that can help accelerate our thinking.

We will work hard to align expectations from the start, setting objectives that align with organisational goals and tracking progress against these. And we’ll hold ourselves accountable for delivering impact. Please support us by seeing measurement as a shared agenda.
We know timelines can be tight on occasions. When they are, we will work at pace without compromising quality, and will be honest about what is achievable. Of course, more time helps us produce our best work, so that’s always the preference.

We will maintain a can-do attitude, always striving to do our best and giving things our full commitment. We will remain polite and respectful to you and your team at all times and ask for the same in return.

We will work efficiently and be mindful of costs. We will be proactive in flagging when changes to scope might require extra money. Please help us by being open about budget available for projects so we can plan accordingly. 

We will do our best to balance positivity and openness with constructive challenge when we feel its required. Please help us nurture team spirit and remember that your success is our success.

Anything we propose, however brave and bold, will be feasible and well considered. Help us by sharing comprehensive briefs and clear feedback.

Whether we are working across your channel mix or in one particular area, we will consider the bigger picture and how activity fits together from the perspective of the target audience. Help by keeping us informed about activity that extends beyond our remit.

If we’re doing a good job, please tell us. And if you think things can be improved then we encourage you to speak up. And we’ll promise to do the same. 

We will take pride in producing work of the highest standard each and every time. When we don’t quite hit the mark, we will seek your feedback to understand and learn from the experience.

We will continue to invest time and energy to be the best partner we can be, staying proactive with recommendations and ideas, not just waiting to be asked. And of course, relationships are two-way streets, so please help us continue to thrive.